
Assignment: Travelers who are visiting a new city need to quickly orient themselves to highway systems, points of interest, restaurants and more. Their first experience though, is often with their rental vehicle. They quickly need to become familiar with the vehicle, and make any adjustments they want in order to customize their driving experience. Think through how a mobile experience (connected to the VQ) could help facilitate this this interaction between the rental company, the vehicle and the driver. Focus in on building a final design for a few key screens within the experience.

I started by creating a bulleted list of what I’d want in a personalized experience from a rental car when it comes to my comfort, exploring a new area and how the application + the VQ could help with that experience. I then took that list a created a user flow that started with booking my rental car to arriving at my destination and how the app would help me with my journey along the way.

It starts with introductory screens to tell the user what the application will do for them. It then progresses into setting up their profile, preferences and trip information. From there, it’s an exploratory experience that learns from the user the more they interact with it. It highlights events and places the user would like as well as events and places other users are enjoying.

Many of the screens include text but since the user might be using the app while driving, my hope is that any push notifications or alerts would be read to them through natural-language user interface.

Using Google Material Design, I designed the key screens to explain the user flow and how the user would go through the application. The bottom bar has an Explore, Itinerary and Profile menu items. The Explore section would allow users to look through events that might interest them and see where other users are exploring. The Itinerary is front and center since it’s what users will be checking in with the most during the day. The Profile section is where they can change their preferences, adjust their preferences and add more passengers.

I really enjoyed working on this assignment because it’s something I would actually use. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you and I’m looking forward to the next steps.