Everyone likes traveling but not many people like the act of travel. Airlines could care less about traveler’s needs and continue to deliver poor customer service.

Since we can’t do much about changing how the airline business works, we can control how travelers interact with their hectic day of travel by managing it with an intuitive app that does everything they have to do, before they can think of it. 

Instead of having multiple apps on your phone to control your interactions with various airlines, I wanted to pull all of those sign-ins into one app. I wanted to almost make this app, the of airline apps. Everything you need, in one place. 

By using Bluetooth, Wifi and location services, this app gives globetrotters all the information they need, right when they need it. 

The completely customizable app that takes care of all of your travel needs to help make flying a more positive experience, no matter what is thrown your way.
